This little tip, totally belongs to my friend Jess. She sent me a text with the descriptive words "mind blowing" attached and I have to agree, she's spot on.
Every time I buy a bunch of banana's… the kids always eat all but two…. then I wait, wait, wait, for these banana's to turn bake ready, drawing fruit flies all the while… once they are "perfect", I do one of two things…. use them… or throw them in the freezer to save, until I have enough banana's for whatever recipe I intend to use them for.
Then Jess, messaged me…. in turn, blowing my mind….
I feel like I'm so in love, I could scream it from the roof top… but because my only neighbor Bob is already desensitized to the ridiculous things I yell outside, I don't feel it will have been done the justice it deserves… nor do I get that "baker" vibe from Bob…
So instead, I will "scream" it from here…