Then I started to throwing chores at them.
And because I'm not always quick on my feet to think of what chores need to be done, the Cup O'Chores was created.

It's part of our every day now and helps immensely with my sanity level when emotions are elevated around here.
Every morning, I pick three for the kids to accomplish throughout the day, right it on the "Chore Board" then I have them "pick a stick" when I feel it's necessary.
Though I reference it as "chores" I keep some non-tradition things in there as well. I feel like the kids don't always need the discipline of work, but a simple redirection and shift in their energy.
Make your own!
-Bag of large craft sticks
-Pint mason jar
-Painters pen {don't use a sharpie, the letters end up bleeding across the wood of the sticks}
What's in our Cup O'Chores?
-Pick up 5 toys in each sibling's room
-Put dishes away
-Vacuum floors
-Practice instrument for 15 minutes
-Ask Mumma! {x2}
-Shovel snow
-Match socks
-Feed/water dogs
-Clean your room
-10 made foul shots
-Slop pigs
-Water garden
-Pick up 10 toy in toy room
-Chicken coop
-10 push-ups {Kids love this one}
-20 minutes quiet time in room
-Free pass. Smarten up! {x3}
-Load laundry
-Teach dogs a new trick
Of course, I'm always adding to the jar and some are seasonal.
We've established "rules" to picking as well… If you pick a chore that's already been done, you pick another…. if that one has already been done or isn't possible at that time {example: shovel snow picked in the summer} luck is in your favor and you're off the hook.
Same goes for if the kids pick a chore that doesn't apply to them {example: Calvin picking the "Practice instrument"} they get another grab and hope for the best!
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